A Moment in History Came Alive at Rose Iron Works … with more to come!
July 17, 2012
A Moment in History Came Alive at Rose Iron Works … with more to come!
Ann DeBolt, granddaughter of Steve Papp — a key Rose blacksmith during the 1920’s — visited from her home in Texas, her first return trip to Cleveland in over 40 years.
DeBolt brought a photo of her Grandfather stationed at his anvil, a vignette we were able to re-create with Ann standing exactly where Papp had once worked.
Among the items she brought along to share was a letter to her grandfather from the pastor of the Church of the Covenant (Cleveland) inviting him to attend the 1931 dedication service of the then remodeled chapel for which RIW had just completed significant work.
Coincidentally, exciting developments are taking place at the church!!!
We are currently producing new organ loft railings, designed by architect James Watson, which will be installed later this year in the recently refurbished sanctuary. History repeats!
Reverend Campbell, James Watson , Rod Keen (chair Building and Grounds), Paul Williams (president of the Society) and many others have literally performed miracles reworking the woodwork, floors and lighting. This effort has been widely recognized as evidenced by winning the national AIA restoration award as well as regional award along with Webber Murphy and Fox architects.
Bob Halper, Halper Lighting Solutions is currently designing a fascinating mechanism for nighttime illumination of the rose window thanks to funding from University Hospitals.
Our entire community will delight in listening to the new organ which will be installed this fall.