Stephen Yusko (former Artist in Residence)
Stephen Yusko brings the knowledge and experience gained from a BFA in Sculpture from the University of Akron, an artist-in-residency at the Metal Museum in Memphis, TN an MFA from the prestigious metalsmithing department at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, and twenty years of studio work to our team at RIW.
Yusko has taught workshops at schools such as the Haystack Mountain School of Crafts (where he is also on the board of trustees), Penland School of Crafts and has presented demonstrations at ABANA (Artist Blacksmith Association of North America) and for SNAG (Society of North American Goldsmith) conferences. In 2011, he was awarded a Creative Workforce Fellowship, granted by the Creative Partnership for Arts and Culture, funded by Cuyahoga Arts and Culture. Yusko exhibits his work nationally and is represented locally by the William Busta Gallery.
You can see more of his work in several books, including:
500 Metal Vessels: Contemporary Exploration of Containment, Lark Books Publishing
Color on Metal, Madison, WI: GUILD Publishing
The Contemporary Blacksmith, Schiffer Publishing.
For more information, visit Stephen’s website at